Prismatic Fragment Locations: Where To Find Them All In Destiny 2: The Final Shape (2024)

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The Prismatic subclass unlocks as you play The Final Shape's campaign, but if you want all the fragments it affords you, you'll need to explore the Pale Heart of the Traveler.

By Phil Hornshaw on


A big part of The Final Shape, Destiny 2's new expansion, is the Prismatic subclass. You'll get access to Prismatic in the very first mission of The Final Shape's campaign, but unlocking each of its fragments will allow you to get the most out of it.

The main parts of the subclass are unlocked by completing missions in the main campaign and the Adventures you can access once it's completed. But to earn all the fragments you can equip to customize Prismatic, you'll need to venture out into the Pale Heart of the Traveler, searching its nooks and crannies and solving a lot of puzzles.

Below you'll find the full rundown of every fragment available in the Pale Heart, arranged by their relative locations on the map. Some can be grabbed during the campaign, some require you to patrol, and some are earned by taking part in some of the activities scattered across each region. Here's the complete rundown.

Table of Contents [hide]

  • Campaign
    • Facet of Bravery - Ascent
    • Facet of Devotion - Dissent
    • Facet of Sacrifice - Iconoclasm
  • The Lost City
    • Facet of Grace
    • Facet of Mending - Outskirts, The Lost City
  • The Landing
    • Facet of Justice
  • The Refraction
    • Facet of Awakening - Memory: Refractions of Light
  • The Divide
    • Facet of Command
    • Facet of Honor - Memory: Divisive Darkness
  • The Transgression
    • Facet of Defiance


Facet of Bravery - Ascent

You'll find this facet as you work through the Ascent mission in the campaign. It takes you to the area called The Impasse, a frozen mountain that you'll climb through the course of the mission. As you make your way up, look for the fuselages of two planes, cut in half and frozen into a cliff. Follow the path to the planes, then jump down into the lower one to find a Prismatic chest hiding within.

Facet of Devotion - Dissent

Fight through to the end of the Dissent mission and defeat the Scorn boss. When you do, Ghost will tell you that the place is falling apart, and the stairs you cross to escape will start to disappear beneath you. Follow the stairs as you leave the boss arena until you cross to a more solid building. Your waypoint will try to direct you to the right, but instead, run to the end of this hallway. At the end, you'll find a Prismatic chest hidden behind a pillar.

Facet of Sacrifice - Iconoclasm

You'll find this facet on the way through the story campaign, in the final mission and its end. Make your way through the mission, completing the first three major encounters where you can use a Rally Banner. After you beat the Ogre boss, continue into the pyramid structure until you hit a statute that looks like a dog cut into pieces (or more accurately, a Cabal war beast).

From here, you can leave the room either to the left or right. Hang a left and you'll move into a small dark alcove. Look up for a light on the wall--it marks a hole you can slip through. Jump up (you can use the door frame on your left for a boost) to get to the ledge, duck into the hole, and follow it into the darkness until you emerge on the other side into a small room that houses the prismatic chest.

The Lost City

Facet of Grace

Go past Micah-10 and drop down into the Lost City. When you leave the Tower, turn right and cross the big gap to the blue building with orange lines on the rooftop. You'll find a path that goes around the blue building, with another building in front of you. Move around to the side to find an opening to go into the building, and the Prismatic chest inside. As you get close, you'll see a message noting that Omens have appeared, and some Dread enemies will spawn. Clear them--particularly the Weaver with the orange life bar. When it's dead, you'll see a message noting that a second Omen has arrived. You need to hunt it down and kill it.

Cross back to the area in front of the Tower entrance and go straight across to the platforms that are marked yellow. Kill all the enemies and the Weaver to trigger a third Omen spawning.

Return to the main area near the Tower and now cross to the red platform. Follow the path to one more set of enemies and one last Weaver. With the last one dead, you'll see a new message, noting the arrival of The One Foretold. Go back to the main area again and you'll find out what that is: a Tormentor.

As usual, kill everything here. Doing enough damage to the Tormentor will trigger a shield generated by Bound enemies, so you'll need Transcendence to clear them out. Keep going until the Tormentor is dead and it drops a Prismatic key, and then return to the blue path to find the chest and open it.

Facet of Mending - Outskirts, The Lost City

This chest has a bit of a run-up to find it, involving locating several lost Ghosts hidden in the area. First, load into the Tower transmat zone and head toward the Lost City. You want to jump over the rooftops and move all the way to the west; you're backtracking through the first area you crossed when you came through the portal during the campaign. When you hit the Outskirts area, you'll find a mess of Hive attacking you as you walk through a small garden courtyard ringed by buildings and shops. The exit will be on your right, but don't leave through that archway yet.

Instead, listen for the notification sound your Ghost makes when there's something scannable nearby. If you pull your Ghost out and you're near what you're looking for, the Ghost will turn toward the object you're searching for. The first one is up on the arm holding a sign that attaches to the wall in an alley to the left of the exit archway. Hop up on top of it and use the Activate button to pick up your first Ghost.

Continue through the Outskirts. Next, you'll reach the edge of this area. Crossing the big gap ahead are four square platforms. Instead of crossing them, go to the edge and look down to find scaffolds and a staircase. Drop down and you'll find the next Ghost on a box next to the stairs.

Cross the gap to continue. You'll enter a new building and drop down. When you get through and go back outside, turn around and face the door you just passed through. There's an awning above the door that you can jump up onto, where another Ghost waits.

Keep following the path and you'll find another Ghost just beneath the big tree you pass through. Head to the amber-colored metallic piece of architecture you pass beneath. Hop up onto it to find the Ghost nestled against the ring.

On the other side of the big tree, you'll see a Pyramid tech structure with a pressure plate in the middle and the Ghosts you just found ringed around it. Stand on the plate to summon a mess of Dread enemies. You'll fight four different waves as the plate charges up, culminating with a Subjugator. Once you damage it enough, Bound Dread enemies will appear, so you'll need to stand on the nearby Prismatic well to charge up Transcendence and break their shields and make the Subjugator vulnerable again. Repeat that process one more time when the Subjugator becomes invulnerable again, and when it dies, it'll drop a key to the Prismatic chest next to the big Ghost.

The Landing

Facet of Justice

This Prismatic chest is hidden in the crystal cave area you passed through during the campaign. From The Landing transmat zone, head to the left and make your way along the cliff to the caves, then follow the path until you find a round side room with two floors and a big Solar crystal at the top.

When you pick up the crystal, Hive runes will appear around the room. You'll also have three runes beneath the crystal. Each of the runes around the room corresponds to a pedestal where you can place the crystal, so your goal here is to place the crystal in each of the pedestals in the order they appear vertically, from top to bottom.

The trouble is, if you jump into the center of the room so you can see the runes, they'll disappear and Dread enemies will spawn to attack you. To see where you need to take the crystal, you need to look through the opening near where the crystal appears and count the pedestals to find the corresponding one. Shadow Thralls will appear to bother you as you do so, but they're not too big of a deal.

Each time you place the crystal, you'll have to fight a bunch of enemies, culminating in a couple of Ogres and Dread enemies. As usual, some Bound forces will appear to lend shields to the bosses, so you'll need to use Transcendence to clear them out in order to finish everything off. Grab the key when you're done to open the Prismatic chest.

The Refraction

Facet of Awakening - Memory: Refractions of Light

Unlike many of the other Prismatic chests, the Memory of Light chests require you to earn five Vestiges of Light items from around the Pale Heart. You can find these by venturing into Cysts as part of the Alone in the Dark quest you get from Micah-10, and from the Light Offering chests you find in areas where Overthrow events are taking place. When you get five Vestiges of Light, they'll combine to become a Memory item, which will unlock a new search area on the map of the Pale Heart in the Director. Head to that area and look around to find the Prismatic chest.

The search zone for Refractions of Light will take you to The Refraction. When you get there, you'll find yourself passing beneath tangles of trees and branches. Climb up onto the trees to find the Prismatic chest hiding on top of the canopy.

The Divide

Facet of Command

As you work your way through The Divide, an area modeled after the wall area in the Cosmodrome, you'll eventually find a Hive Shrieker and a nearby Prismatic chest waiting for you right on the path that leads from The Impasse to The Seclusion, near the big frozen jump ship. How you open the chest isn't immediately obvious, though; the puzzle you need to solve is hidden nearby.

Just past the chest on the side of the hallway is a wall of panels, some of which have fallen off to open holes through the wall. Find a hole big enough to pass through and you'll find several pieces of Fallen technology, including a computer terminal and two generators. If you interact with the terminal, you can summon a Scorch Cannon--use it to blast the terminals to break the ice locking you out from using them.

The trick here is to find orbs of energy to fully charge the generators. The energy orbs you need to find are also stuck in piles of ice, scattered around the nearby area. You'll need to hike around to find them a bit. One is just on the other side of the Prismatic chest, but you'll have to jump off the walkway and explore the side area to find it at the end of the room, on a platform. The others are down the halls in both directions away from the chest and in side rooms.

You'll find two Solar orbs, three Arc orbs, and two Void orbs. Each orb provides a different amount of energy to the generator, which is measured by green units that light up on the generator when you dunk them. Your goal here is to charge each generator fully, which is 10 units, without going over.

If you want to solve the puzzle on your own, skip this next bit. If not, you'll want to know that Arc orbs provide two power units, Solar orbs provide three units, and Void orbs provide four units. Therefore, you want to plug in two Solar and two Arcs in one generator, and two Void and one Arc in the other generator.

Once both generators are fully charged, you'll need to fight a bunch of Dread enemies, including a Subjugator, to get the key and open the chest.

Facet of Honor - Memory: Divisive Darkness

Like the Memories of Light, Memories of Darkness require you to gather five Vestiges of Darkness in order to create a memory item that unlocks a search area in the Pale Heart. You can get Vestiges of Darkness by solving and opening corrupted chests in Overthrow areas.

To find the chest for the Divisive Darkness memory, make your way to frozen mountain in The Divide. You'll need to climb all the way up to the top of the mountain. When you hit the peak, look off the side of the structures at the edge of the cliff on the right when you're facing the path into the facility. The Prismatic chest is waiting for you near the nice view.

The Transgression

Facet of Defiance

Start at the transmat zone in The Impasse and head east into The Transgression. Keep moving forward until you reach a valley with a statue of a Guardian in the center with a spike going through their chest. From the statue, turn left and you'll see a cave ahead with an orange glow. If you head in, you'll find the air is toxic and you'll take damage. This mechanic shows up all through the campaign, so you'll be familiar with it. You need to stand next to and shoot the Darkness seed near the entrance to the cave to gain a buff that protects you from the toxic air, and keep refreshing it while you're in the cave whenever the timer runs out.

Push all the way to the back of the cave to find the Prismatic chest. Find the triangular splinter object in the middle of the room and activate it. Enemies with invulnerable shields will spawn in. Avoid them since they're invulnerable, and instead, look for the round Taken Acolyte Eyes scattered throughout. You need to find the eyes, which are a bit hidden, and destroy them all to make the enemies become vulnerable so you can kill them.

Repeat the process of finding and killing the Eyes three times. Each time, more shielded enemies will spawn, making the sprint to find the Eyes a little more frantic each time. When they're all dead, a bunch of Dread enemies will appear, along with a Tormentor. You'll need to use Transcendence to make the Tormentor vulnerable, but once that happens, you can take it down to get your Prismatic chest key.

Check out our Destiny 2: The Final Shape guide hub for tons more information about everything to find in the game.

Every Exotic Weapon and Armor In Destiny 2: The Final Shape (So Far)

Prismatic Fragment Locations: Where To Find Them All In Destiny 2: The Final Shape (22)

Prismatic Fragment Locations: Where To Find Them All In Destiny 2: The Final Shape (23)

Prismatic Fragment Locations: Where To Find Them All In Destiny 2: The Final Shape (24)

Prismatic Fragment Locations: Where To Find Them All In Destiny 2: The Final Shape (25)

Prismatic Fragment Locations: Where To Find Them All In Destiny 2: The Final Shape (26)

Prismatic Fragment Locations: Where To Find Them All In Destiny 2: The Final Shape (27)

Prismatic Fragment Locations: Where To Find Them All In Destiny 2: The Final Shape (28)

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Prismatic Fragment Locations: Where To Find Them All In Destiny 2: The Final Shape (2024)


Where to find prismatic fragments in Destiny 2? ›

Destiny 2 Prismatic Exotic Class item

Most of the unlockable Fragments can be found while patrolling the main destination for Destiny 2 The Final Shape, The Pale Heart. Additionally, Fragments you unlock are available on all your other characters, so you don't have to collect each one multiple times!

Can I sell fragment of prismatic light? ›

Unlocks your choice of an End of Dragons Legendary Precursor weapon. Redeemable in End of Dragons. Once this item has been acquired, it can be safely sold or discarded.

Where can I farm prismatic scale? ›

Excellent farming spot: Kea Krak island, northern side of Nayeli Lagoon in Krasarang. One batch under the trees, and when they're gone, make a circuit of the beach.


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