7 Day Low Glycemic Meal Plan w/ Recipes - The Gestational Diabetic (2024)

Low glycemic eating is all about maintaining steady blood sugar levels. It's important to sustain energy levels, and it's paramount today as we fight diabetes on several fronts.

We'll cover the benefits, differences between low-carb and low-glycemic, how to eat low glycemic anywhere, and list high-and-low-glycemic foods.

Adownloadable low-glycemic meal planis also included, along with other helpful printables!

7 Day Low Glycemic Meal Plan w/ Recipes - The Gestational Diabetic (1)
Jump to:
  • Benefits of a Low Glycemic Diet
  • Low Glycemic vs Low Carb
  • What is Glycemic Index?
  • Identifying Low Glycemic Index Foods
  • How to Eat Low Glycemic Anywhere - The Plate Method
  • Low Glycemic Meal Plan with Recipes
  • Bonus Low Glycemic Alternatives
  • Conclusion
  • FAQ
  • More Glycemic Info
  • Reader Reviews

Benefits of a Low Glycemic Diet

The low glycemic index diet is rich in whole grains, whole foods, and fiber. It promotes healthy eating habits and an overall balanced diet. Research has found that it helps with:

  • weight loss
  • steadier blood glucose levels
  • decreased insulin resistance
  • and lowers the risk of diabetes and disease of the heart or blood vessels.

On top of that, there's no carb or calorie counting; plus, the plate method you'll see later promotes fiber-rich foods. More fiber means better bowel health and movements, lower cholesterol levels, and reduced risks of dying from heart disease and cancer.

Low Glycemic vs Low Carb

Eating low-glycemic doesn't necessarily mean eating low-carb.

It'srecommended that we eat 45% to 65%of our calories in carbs. On a 2000/day calorie diet, that equates to 225 - 325 grams of carbohydrates.

The amount of carbs in thelow-carb diet is up to 26%of our calories, which is a maximum of 130 grams of carbs per day.

That's a difference of at least 100 grams between the diets, but both can be low glycemic because low glycemic means balancing carbs with other nutrients to prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes.

What is Glycemic Index?

The glycemic index (GI) is a scale from 0 to 100 that measures how quickly a food will raise blood sugar. Each food has its own GI value. Foods with high GI values are quickly digested and rapidly raise blood sugar levels. A rapid rise in blood sugar is also known as a spike. Foods with low GI values are digested more slowly, causing a gradual rise in blood sugar.

7 Day Low Glycemic Meal Plan w/ Recipes - The Gestational Diabetic (2)

Does this mean you have to avoid high-glycemic foods?

Nope! You simply have to balance high-GI foods with low-GI foods. We'll look at examples later, but first, let's identify which foods are high and low glycemic.

What influences glycemic value?

Multiple factors influence the glycemic value of a food:

  • fiber content
  • protein content
  • fat content
  • amount of carbohydrates
  • type of carbs (complex carbohydrates, simple sugars, resistant starch, etc.)
  • processing / cooking method
  • length of cooking
  • ripeness
  • plus more!

All those factors determine how quickly a food can raise blood sugar, but portion size isn't included. That's where glycemic load comes in. Glycemic load is a useful tool to more accurately determine how quickly a food will raise blood sugars because it factors in portion size with the index value.

For example, abanana has a glycemic index value of 49. The glycemic load depends on if you eat half the banana or the whole banana. But glycemic load has its own scale that ranges from 0 to 20.

The good news!

Researching the GI and GL of every food you eat is not going to happen, right? So, we've kept it simple with easy methods to immediately identify low glycemic from high glycemic.

Identifying Low Glycemic Index Foods

Low glycemic foods generally have fewer carbs, as well as some protein, fat, and fiber (the nutrients that balance carbs).

The easiest way to identify low-GI foods is to reclassify the food groups. We're placing foods into 4 groups based on their main nutrients:

  • proteins
  • fats
  • carbohydrates
    • freebies.

We'll cover the main items here, but more detailed, printable lists are in the meal plan section.

Proteins are mainly animal meats and products, and some plant foods:

  • animal meats, poultry, & seafood
  • eggs & dairy (without excessive added sugar)
  • soy products
  • hemp seeds
  • and more listed in the printable list below.

Ideally, for a healthy diet, you'll want to choose lean proteins like poultry and fish to lower the risk of heart disease.

Fats are mostly nuts, seeds, and oils:

  • oils & their original forms (e.g. avocados, olives, etc.)
  • seeds & seed butters
  • nuts & nut butters
  • and more listed in the printable list below.

Healthy fats like avocado and nuts keep cholesterol levels low.

  • Proteins and fats do not raise blood sugar, and these foods have little or no carbs, so every food listed as a protein or fat is considered low glycemic.

Carbs are the nutrient that raises blood sugar. They are found primarily in plant foods.

  • beans & legumes
  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • grains
  • oats
  • and more listed in the printable list below.

To simplify carbs, let's break it into two categories: freebies and everything else.

Freebies are foods you can eat in large quantities without spiking blood sugar levels because they have few carbs or are high in fiber. They are the non-starchy vegetables:

  • summer squash
  • broccoli
  • asparagus
  • kale
  • spinach
  • cucumbers
  • and more listed in the printable list below.

The "everything else" category includes the foods generally referred to as carbs:

  • fruits
  • starchy vegetables
  • grains
  • breads
  • tortillas
  • corn
  • and more listed in the printable list below.

Identifying High Glycemic Foods

High glycemic foods have a lot of carbs per serving, and little or none of the balancing nutrients.

Examples of high-glycemic foods include:

  • white bread and other white flour products (cakes, cookies, croutons, pasta, brownies, etc.)
  • white rice
  • potatoes
  • instant and microwavable products (e.g. Ramen, instant mashed potatoes, minute rice, instant oatmeal, etc.)
  • sugary drinks such as soda, fruit juice, and sports drinks
  • processed snacks like crackers, chips, and cookies
  • candies
  • and most breakfast cereals.

Pro Tip

If you don't see a food in any of these lists, and you can't identify its ingredients just by looking at it, there's a good chance it's highly processed. Highly processed foods are almost always high glycemic.

But remember, it's okay to eat high glycemic foods, like a baked sweet potato, as long as you balance it out with lower GI foods like chicken and broccoli; which brings us to the finale: the plate method.

How to Eat Low Glycemic Anywhere - The Plate Method

Now that you know the foods that belong to each category, you can easily build your plate. The plate method is what the American Diabetes Association recommends for low-glycemic eating.

To build your plate, simply choose a food from 3 categories.

  1. Fill ½ the plate with non-starchy vegetables (the freebies).
  2. Choose a protein to fill ¼ of the plate.
  3. Choose a carb for the remaining ¼ of the plate (rice, pasta, potatoes, fruits, etc.).


Did you notice we didn't pick from the fats? That's because fats are found in many foods, and we use them to cook foods. That can add up quickly. Unless you have a high activity level or hyperactive metabolism, adding foods for fats is unnecessary.

Low Glycemic Meal Plan with Recipes

To get you started on your low-GI diet, here's a downloadable 7-day meal plan. It includes the plan for the week, recipes, nutrient totals, and a shopping list!

Remember to grab these downloads as well to create your own meals:

  • Food groups (vegetarian food groups)
  • - great for the fridge!
  • Plate method (vegetarian version)


Bonus Low Glycemic Alternatives

Lastly, here's a quick-reference list of lower glycemic alternatives for high GI foods.



Eating low glycemic is different from eating low carb. Low glycemic is meant to steady blood glucose levels with healthy foods. Instead of using glycemic index values and glycemic load calculations, we identify low glycemic from high glycemic by simply grouping foods into four main categories: proteins, fats, carbs, and freebies. Using the printable lists for these categories, we pick a food from each category to build a plate/meal, according to the plate method. This gives you the freedom to choose the foods you like and pick from a menu when eating out.


What is an example of a low glycemic meal?

Examples of a low glycemic meal are chicken teriyaki stir-fry over rice, baked chicken with green beans and potatoes, and beef fajitas.

What are 5 low glycemic foods?

1. Beans, dairy products, nuts, and seeds are fairly balanced, making them low glycemic.
2. Animal meats and soy products have little to no carbs.
3. Brown rice, farro, quinoa, and barley are lower glycemic options than white rice.
4. Non-starchy veggies: anything green, bell peppers, mushrooms, cauliflower, etc.
5. Blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries.

What is a low glycemic snack?

Dairy products without excessive added sugar are low glycemic; protein smoothies or bars without added sugar; avocado toast; apples and nut butter; chicken salad lettuce wrap; sushi without rice. 55 low glycemic snacks.

More Glycemic Info

  • Sweet Potato vs Potato Glycemic Index
  • Low Glycemic Foods List Guide (Simplified)
  • Potatoes Glycemic Index
  • Sweet Potato Glycemic Index
7 Day Low Glycemic Meal Plan w/ Recipes - The Gestational Diabetic (2024)


What foods are low glycemic index for gestational diabetes? ›

These include:
  • vegetables.
  • most fruits (but limit sweeter fruits, such as grapes, mango or dates)
  • beans and pulses (such as chickpeas, lentils)
  • wholegrain foods (such as wholegrain bread, jumbo porridge oats)
  • wholewheat pasta.
  • brown rice.
  • high-fibre bread (granary, rye, sourdough)
  • all-bran cereal, nutty muesli.

How many carbs should I eat per meal with gestational diabetes? ›

Aim for about 30-45 g of carbs per meal and 15-30 grams per snack, but check with your dietitian for your specific needs. Choose complex carbohydrates most of the time—these have more fiber, which slows digestion and prevents blood sugar from spiking. Beans, whole grains and vegetables are complex carbs.

What are the top 10 low glycemic foods? ›

These are our top 10 affordable, healthy low GI foods:
  • Bread. ...
  • Oats. ...
  • Apples. ...
  • Pears. ...
  • Bananas. ...
  • Chickpeas. ...
  • Lentils. ...
  • Red kidney beans. Continuing down the canned food aisle and rounding out our list is red kidney beans.

What are the worst foods for gestational diabetes? ›

Try to avoid eating simple carbohydrates, such as potatoes, french-fries, white rice, candy, soda, and other sweets. This is because they cause your blood sugar to rise quickly after you eat such foods. Vegetables are good for your health and your blood sugar.

What is a good snack before bedtime for gestational diabetes? ›

Here are some other tips to consider when choosing a bedtime snack with GD: Choose complex carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread, rather than white bread. Choose nutritious carbohydrates that do not have added sugars, such as fresh fruit, Greek yogurt, soy or dairy milk, beans, peas, and legumes.

Are scrambled eggs good for gestational diabetes? ›

Eggs (as long as you have no allergies) will become your best friend whilst having gestational diabetes! They have many vitamins, minerals and heart healthy fats. They are high in protein and therefore become a food that will be tolerable for your blood sugars and will actually help keep levels lowered and stabilised.

Can I eat a banana if I have gestational diabetes? ›

A tiny bit is OK, like a small teaspoon of sugar. Foods and drinks marked 'diet' or 'low joule' are low in sugar and don't affect your blood glucose levels. A serve is a hand-sized piece – a medium orange or small banana, or 1 cup of tinned fruit (in juice, not syrup). Fruit is a good snack between meals.

What is the best takeout meal for gestational diabetes? ›

Choose a plain small hamburger or lean grilled meat like chicken. Ask for whole-grain breads instead of white breads on sandwiches. Order a side salad instead of fries or chips. Choose mustard or light mayonnaise instead of sweet sauces such as ketchup or relish.

What salad can I eat with gestational diabetes? ›

Salad Recipes
  • BLT Pasta Salad. Crisp salty smoky streaky bacon, sweet juicy cherry tomatoes, lettuce leaves and cold chickpea pasta coated in a delicious zingy ... ...
  • BLT Salad. This BLT Salad is simply delicious. ...
  • Celeriac Remoulade. ...
  • Chicken Caesar salad. ...
  • Chicory clementine & nut salad. ...
  • Coleslaw. ...
  • Crab and Apple Salad. ...
  • Croutons.
Sep 16, 2023

What fast food is OK for gestational diabetes? ›

When dining at fast food restaurants, eat plain small hamburgers. "Protein style" burgers are also a good option. You may add mayonnaise and mustard but avoid ketchup, relish, and other sweet sauces. Limit French fries and avoid breaded and deep-fried foods such as fried chicken, fish sticks, or breaded meats.

What time should diabetics stop eating at night? ›

At least two hours before going to bed, try to avoid eating anything. Maintain a window of 10–12 hours between two substantial meals- If you work night shifts and are unable to keep your optimal dinner time between 7–9 PM, try keeping a window of 10–12 hours between your dinner and breakfast.

What protein is good for gestational diabetes? ›

Every day eat plant protein like tofu, seeds and nut butter. For diabetes, cheese is a protein food. Avoid salami, hot dogs and bologna. unsweetened fat-free (0%), low-fat (1%) milk, yogurt, or fortified soy milk.

What can gestational diabetics eat for breakfast? ›

Greek yogurt is a great breakfast option for those with gestational diabetes as it is high in protein and low in sugar.
  • 2 egg whites scrambled with veggies + 1 small whole wheat roti + 1/2 cup low-fat Yogurt. ...
  • 1 small vegetable upma + 12 cup low-fat yogurt.

What foods have the lowest glycemic index? ›

Low GI : Green vegetables, most fruits, raw carrots, kidney beans, chickpeas and lentils. Medium GI : Sweet corn, bananas, raw pineapple, raisins, cherries, oat breakfast cereals, and multigrain, whole-grain wheat or rye bread. High GI : White rice, white bread and potatoes.

What lowers blood sugar gestational diabetes? ›

Exercise. Physical activity lowers your blood glucose level, so regular exercise can be an effective way to manage gestational diabetes. You'll be advised about safe ways to exercise during pregnancy. Find out more about exercise in pregnancy.

Can I eat pizza with gestational diabetes? ›

Choose thin-crust pizza. Choose vinaigrette-based and olive oil-based dressings, pesto, or garlic sauce. Creamy sauces often have high fat and sugar content. Ask if your tomato sauce can be made without sugar or if there are sugar-free options.

Are eggs low in glycemic? ›

Eggs are a low-carbohydrate food and have a very low glycemic index score. This makes them a good source of protein for people with diabetes. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) state that eggs are a suitable food for people with diabetes.


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.