True Or False1. In The Olden Days Parents Were Regarded As Educators, And Educators As Parents. (2024)

English College


Answer 1




Back then schools weren't a common thing so it was up to the parents to teach their children. From the birth of a child, parents teach them.

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What are some facts about the black hole?



-They don't live forever, but slowly evaporate returning their energy to the universe.

-Black holes can have the mass of several million suns.

-Black holes differ from each other in mass and their spin. Other than that, they are all very similar.

-The center of a black hole, where all its mass resides, is a point called a singularity.

thenks and mark me brainliesttt :)) pls

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If you have you principal's email, write a message to them

1. Read the sentence from the letter
(14) The Medici's, a ruling family in Italy during the Renaissance, in fact, funded Michelangelo.
What change in punctuation, if any, should be made to the sentence



Medici's - Medicis


The given sentence contains a punctuation error in its subject i.e. The Medici's. Here the use of the apostrophe(') before 's' shows possession which is grammatically incorrect as it doesn't display any ownership and it is immediately followed by the non-restrictive clause that offers detail about it. Therefore, as per the context and meaning of the sentence, the apostrophe must be removed to give the noun its complete meaning and make the sentence semantically appropriate and lexically coherent. Thus, 'Medici's' would be converted to 'Medicis.'

What’s 9 and 10
I need the correct answer
Somebody answer this ASAP!!!!!!


A , D , and E
B , C , and E




9 is the last one

10 is the 2nd to last one

Which file format is compatible with printer software and hardware?





I think

STL file format is compatible with printer software and hardware.

What is the STL format?

STL file format is trusted by many designers as it provides higher flexibility and popularity. It supports any type of software and hardware file.

Thus, people may use it for CAD programs, repair tools, and slicers without facing disruptions in it.

Learn more about softwares here:

The Face of Quarantine
b. Is the text coherent? (Is there a topic sentence? Are the major ideas placed
in a separate paragraph?)
c. Are the sentences cohesive? What transitional devices are being used?
d. What can you say about the language use? What is the style of writing, formal
or informal, written or spoken? Are there some denotative or connotative
language, figures of speech, or idiomatic expressions?



how do i know

A strong argument is defined as information that
O contains the latest updates and new information on the topic being researched.
O has a feeling attached to a word or phrase being researched.
O is true and directly relates to the topic being researched.
O is false, or, if it is true, does not directly relate to the topic being researched.



is true and directly relates to the topic being researched


Definition: A strong argument is a non-deductive argument that succeeds in providing probable, but not conclusive, logical support for its conclusion. A weak argument is a non-deductive argument that fails to provide probable support for its conclusion.

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//)/ hope this helps -Tom \(\\

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I would like brainliest if I deserve it plz

Summary of under the greenwood tree



The message that the poem convey is that the forest life is much better than our civilized life. There is no jealously, hypocrisy and no enemy which is quite common in city life. In forest life has a loveliness and calmness, but in there people also enjoy the beauty of nature. Although in forest life has to face a lot of troubles in seeking food.

which is one of the three Animals that block's Dante's path when he first wakes up in the forest?


Answer: a lion

Explanation: The first animal that block Dante's path in the forest and one of the three beasts is the Leopard. The other beasts are the lion and she-wolf.

students who bully others should be expelled​



Facts or maybe just punished not expelled


paraphrase this text in your own words

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circ*mstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.


Answer:Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circ*mstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

Explanation: just got it correct on edge

We have not been craving in attentions to our fellow British friends. We have reminded them to take caution when trying extend jurisdiction over us without the right and power to interpret and apply the law. We warned them of the laws of our settlement and emigration here. Our connections and cooperations have will be disrupted due to denying their illegal infringements. We will not support their injustice, thus, we will separate our alliance and hold them responsible for their actions. They are now our Enemies in War.

Which statement best describes the theme of the passage?
OA. Every new idea appears crazy to people at first
If you work hard in life, good things will happen
Only tell your friend what you would tell your enemy
Don't wait for people to be friendly show them how


Answer: D. Don't wait for people to be friendly show them how


In this story we are introduced to a girl named Steph who offered a new girl, Jackie, a space to sit during lunch time. Jackie rebuffed her offer a bit rudely as she wanted to sit with "cooler" kids. The "cooler" kids rebuffed her as well to the point that she was in tears.

Steph met Jackie after lunch and instead of gloat, offered her friendship again. This time Jackie was nicer. It goes to show that sometimes people might not be friendly at first but, we can show them how.

What is the rhetorical purpose for the first three sentences of paragraph 10?
A. to anticipate and address an opposing argument
B. to establish the ethical argument against a community focused on monetary gain
C. to refute the argument raised in paragraph 3
D. to support the argument presented in paragraph 8
E. to emphasize the speaker’s commitment to the main argument

from Life Without Principle
by Henry David Thoreau

Perhaps I am more than usually jealous with respect to my freedom. I feel that my connection with and obligation to society are still very slight and transient. Those slight labors which afford me a livelihood, and by which it is allowed that I am to some extent serviceable to my contemporaries, are as yet commonly a pleasure to me, and I am not often reminded that they are a necessity. So far I am successful. But I foresee that if my wants should be much increased, the labor required to supply them would become a drudgery. If I should sell both my forenoons and afternoons to society, as most appear to do, I am sure that for me there would be nothing left worth living for. I trust that I shall never thus sell my birthright for a mess of pottage. I wish to suggest that a man may be very industrious, and yet not spend his time well. There is no more fatal blunderer than he who consumes the greater part of his life getting his living. All great enterprises are self-supporting. The poet, for instance, must sustain his body by his poetry, as a steam planing-mill feeds its boilers with the shavings it makes. You must get your living by loving. But as it is said of the merchants that ninety-seven in a hundred fail, so the life of men generally, tried by this standard, is a failure, and bankruptcy may be surely prophesied. (10)

Answers anticipate and address an opposing argument




Read the passage from "Marriage Is a Private Affair" by Chinua Achebe.

The prejudice against Nnaemeka’s marriage was not confined to his little village. In Lagos, especially among his people who worked there, it showed itself in a different way. Their women, when they met at their village meeting, were not hostile to Nene. Rather, they paid her such excessive deference as to make her feel she was not one of them. But as time went on, Nene gradually broke through some of this prejudice and even began to make friends among them. Slowly and grudgingly they began to admit that she kept her home much better than most of them.

What cultural value is revealed through the women's actions toward Nene?

a)They distrust Nene because she has agreed to an arranged marriage.
b)They value strong housekeeping skills.
c)They admire Nene for choosing her own husband.
d)They show deference to her because her tribe is more powerful than theirs.





because they prejudice her because of her marriage

Cultural value is revealed through the women's actions toward Nene They value strong housekeeping skills. Thus the correct answer is B.

What is the theme of "Marriage Is a Private Affair"?

"Marriage Is a Private Affair" is based on the theme of how traditions and customs give rise to conflicts due to differences in perception. This story reflects how a father trying to select a wife for his son and what are the criteria on which he is convincing his son to get married.

The emphasis that Social hierarchy has not remained for a long time and love is not restricted by it. It brings the concept of change in the mindset. The father value strong housekeeping skills for a woman in this story.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about "Marriage Is a Private Affair", here:


pleas helpppp I want a story of 100 words that begins with our new English teacher walked into the classroom and he didn't look happy



Our new English teacher walked into the classroom, and she didn't look happy. She was frowning, and she did not say a word. She stood in front of us and started to give the lesson.

We were scared. No one spoke during her class until Jake asked her -Do you always have that serious face? You won't make friends- We all laughed.

After that, she told us that she had a bad day. Her car broke down and she spilled coffee on her shirt. Then, she said -I'm not bad, sorry for that impression, why don't we play a game?.


A story has three parts, the beginning, the problem, and the end.

In the first part, we introduce the setting and the characters. Then we make a transition into the problem. Lastly, we write the end of the story where the problem is solved.

We can use descriptive language. In other words, we can tell the reader about the environment, or the characters, so that the reader can be immersed in the story.

2. Compare the themes. What do Antigone and "The Game" suggest about fate and chance? Are our futures determined by fate, by chance, or a combination of both? Explain.







Our futures are determined by fate and chance! The reasoning behind my statement is because whatever you do in your life, will have an result–everything you do and say has consequences, whenever you know it or not. It doesn't have to happen in a snap of a finger, but it can come back to you later on in life, unannounced. Karma can get involved too. If you do good, you'll get good things back–but if you do bad things, you can have bad things come back to you. can do good things but bad things can come back to, that's where the saying, "good things take time," comes in. You can be able to get more chances to–"right your wrongs,"–in life. It depends in on the effects that were caused by you. To sum it up, our own futures that we live for can be determined–not just by fate–but by chances.


Since people are copying and pasting the same answer around, I came up with my own, so enjoy!


( only use this as an example, please. don't copy my answer(s) because i spent my hard work on it. it will also be considered plagiarism and your assignment will transfer to turn it in. thank you. )

Can someone make me a thesis statement about these 3 points? (domestic violence, verbal and mental abuse, not receiving enough attention or support)



Yes, below


Domestic violence is a topic that people don't like to talk about or engage themselves into because they don't think it's a big issue. It is a very big issue because it is shown to increase the rate of sui*cide and depression.

Verbal and mental abuse has a huge impact on mostly children because they could grow up feeling worthless and have a really low self-esteem.

Less attention and support has been most needed in these times of the pandemic because kids/teens are mostly at homes- and it's where they need to feel safe and love.

Hope this helps:)

What is the total number of postal service mail carrier jobs that will be lost between 2012 and 2022?



79, 200


The total number of postal service mail carrier jobs that will be lost between 2012 and 2022 is 79,200.

Why are they called the Postal Service?

“The cause of the band is known the Postal Service is they were tranmitting digital audiotapes.

These ancient thing called DATs ago and on through the mail,” says Charles Cross, a music reporter and New York Times best-selling author.

Thus, 79,200 is the total number of postal service mail.

To learn more about f postal service mail click here:


Big grade please help


Answer:I think its A or D


I hope im correct to help you

Pretty sure that the answer is A

Can someone do my edenuity



your what?


How is the character of batnik’s father in too fast similar to pan in pan: god of the wild?


if the choices are:

How is the character of Batnik's father in “Too Fast” similar to Pan in "Pan: God of the Wild"?

Both have the ability to affect future events.

Both are powerful nature gods.

Both have skills that yield positive and negative results.

Both cause the deaths of their children.

the answer would be D. k-12 8th grader going into ap english next year- good luck! xx

The character of Batnik's father in "Too fast" is similar to "Pan in Pan" in many aspects. He is an emphatic and powerful nature God that affects future events.

What do you mean by Character?

Character is defined as those qualities that an individual possesses in order to form distinction among others.

Batnik's father causes the death of their children. He has the quality to provoke results as per their needs that include both positive and negative outcomes.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Too fast, refer to the link:


Write three to four paragraphs about the culture or setting of a story you have read in this unit. Use a conversational tone such as you would find in a travel guide. ( Books that I have read) --> 1) The Harvest" 2) The Man to Send Rainclouds" 3) I Explain a Few Things" and "The Space" 4) My Aunt Gold Teeth" ( Will Mark Brainliest if answered correctly and follow the steps correctly. ( Only leave a response if you have read any of these stories please and thank you.​



Culture is a word for the 'way of life' of groups of people, meaning the way they do things. Different groups may have different cultures. A culture is passed on to the next generation by learning, whereas genetics are passed on by heredity. Culture is seen in people's writing, religion, music, clothes, cooking and in what they do.

The concept of culture is very complicated, and the word has many meanings.[1] The word 'culture' is most commonly used in three ways.

Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture.

An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior.

The outlook, attitudes, values, morals, goals, and customs shared by a society.

Most broadly, 'culture' includes all human phenomena which are not purely results of human genetics. The discipline which investigates cultures is called anthropology, though many other disciplines play a part

Write a letter to Principal Larson persuading him to spend school money on a trip to the place you choose. You must explain where you think the school should visit and why. Your letter should include details from the information listed below the place you choose. *



Dear Principal Larson,

I think it'd be very nice of you to spend some cash so my class can visit the local dumpster. Firstly, it is important for the students to desensitive their noses; sometimes classrooms smell bad for no reason. It'd be nice if we could sit through an academic lecture without being bothered by a pungent, unknown stench. Secondly, taking the students to the local dumpster is obviously less expensive than taking them to Italy or something. Your wallet will thank you. Lastly, the students will appreciate you for letting us visit the dump. We'd feel right at home.

Sincerely, Garbage

Highlight nonstandard English and dialect. “De chillun?” Tea Cake asked him in surprise. “You got any smaller than him?” He indicated the son who seemed around twenty or so. “Ah ain’t seen yo’ others.” –Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston



"De Chillun"

"You Got"

"Ah Ain't"

"yo' others"


it tells you in the end


answer in the picture


Since he needed to wake up, Justin drank two cups of coffee. Simple, compound, complex, compound-complex



Complex sentence.


A complex sentence is a sentence that has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. And also, the use of subordinating conjunction also signifies a complex sentence.

In the given sentence, the subordinating conjunction is "since". This makes the first part of the sentence the dependent clause. And the second part of the sentence is an independent clause as it can be taken as a full sentence on its own. And with that, the whole sentence contains a dependent clause with a subordinating conjunction and an independent clause, which makes it a complex sentence.

Thus, the correct answer is a complex sentence.

Which of the following is an example of the "terror" gothic characteristic?

A)Then falls, betrayed by the shifting shells, and lands
Prone in the jeering water

B)He toils toward the rounding beach, and stands...

c)He gains upon the shore, where poppies grow



Hello! Your answer shall be, A)Then falls, betrayed by the shifting shells, and lands

Prone in the jeering water


Hope I helped! Ask me anything if you have any questions. Brainiest plz!♥ Hope you make a 100%. Have a nice morning! -Amelia♥

Plz help me well mark brainliest if correct?????????...



B) A local newspaper


You asked, I answered.

Hope this helped! :)

Which of these is a good use of synonyms?
A. To add new words to your writing
B. To replace difficult antonyms
C. To create a rhyming scheme
O D. To avoid using too many prefixes





The other options are irrelevant when wanting to use synonyms. Synonyms are used as an alternative for a simple or basic word. This helps add new words to your writing.

I believe the answer would be A because the other options don’t really make sense

what are 3 verbs that describe weather?​



windy,fierce and thunder clapping



It's drizzling

its raining

It's thundering


thank like and give brainliest thx

Do you think the government does enough to create awareness about health, nutrition,
and wellness? Should individuals make their own decisions about health and nutrition
choices or should the government take certain decisions about health and nutrition that
restricts an individual's right to decide? Give reasons for your answer.


Maybe if the government paid for everyone’s health insurance they could have more say. In America people have the right to take or research information about what would work best for their individual health, and then consult their chosen doctor(s) on the best plan for them. I think everyone is entitled to make their own choice about their health & nutrition.


Honestly i dont think so.


There are alot of things going around that alot of the government hasnt spoken up about. I think ppl can and would make decisions for themselves. :)

True Or False1. In The Olden Days Parents Were Regarded As Educators, And Educators As Parents. (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.